
Disclaimer: CjHelpsVets is privately funded and is not associated with the Department of Veterans Affairs. The opinions presented here should not be construed as representing the official opinions of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Any opinions presented on CjHelpsVets.com concerning financial issues should not be construed as recommendations or financial advice for your specific situation. If you are unsure of the best course of action in your situation, it is always recommended to consult the Department of Veterans Affairs, a financial advisor, or an attorney.
CjHelpsVets began November 2015. Our goal is simple. We aim to bring together a group of qualified individuals from different VA and military related backgrounds with one common goal: to educate veterans on their VA benefits.
Feel free to follow, Email for regular updates. We are also available on Twitter @CjHelpsVets and Facebook.
If you are closely affiliated with any organization that aids veterans in any way and you would like to become an author on this site, send an email to Ccutts [at] cjhelpsvets [dot] com.

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